Fengshui, Acupressure, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Reflexology, Reiki,Pranic Healing, Nutrition, Iridology and Sujok
Centre de santé holistique de Montréal
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Feng Shui
TCM Level I: Principles and Diagnostics (Starts on September 30, 2015, evrery Wedensday evening from 18:00-22:00)
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We teach fundamental nutrition base on Discovering Nutrition, Written for non-majors, Discovering Nutrition, Fifth Edition introduces students to the fundamentals of nutrition with an engaging and personalized approach. The text focuses on teaching behavior change, personal decision making, and up-to-date scientific concepts in a number of innovative ways. Students will learn practical consumer-based nutrition information using the robust, interactive learning tools and study aids highlighted throughout the text. The Fifth Edition incorporates a new feature, Culture Corner, which introduces individuals within a variety of cultures, and discusses their nutritional customs and behaviors. It also examines the latest discoveries and dietary guidelines, and empahsises how our nutritional behaviors influence lifelong personal health and wellness. UP
Feng Shui
What is Feng Shui?
Traditional medicine and feng shui have common roots, as both are based on understanding the nature of nature. This nature is called "dao" which means "The way". The word way refers to the way of nature, the laws, the great order and consciousness that rule the universe. The way that knowing and being in its path gives life a blessing and moving in the opposite direction causes disease, poverty and harm to nature. Feng Shui aims to regulate living and working according to Dao rules. An order that aims to keep people healthy in their place of residence and work. What is important in the operation of Feng Shui is its adaptation to the available facilities, it does not matter if you live in a rented room or in a large villa with a large yard, it is important that the best of what you have Do the operation. In other words, the form and place of sitting, sleeping, working or studying should be adjusted in such a way that one can have peace and comfort, the person knows what is causing trouble around him and adding things that can change his mood.( Mrs Zhaleh Marouf is our only representative in Feng Shoui Field)
TCM Level I: Principles and Diagnostics
A 12 week (48 hour) course exploring the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in both the theoretical and applied to case studies.
1. The students get a good preliminary understanding of pulse and tongue reading
2. To enable students to apply the diagnostic principles to patient’s assessments.
3. For the students to understand the basic difference between the way Western Medicine evaluates a condition vs. the way TCM assesses the whole person.
(read more...) UP
TCM Level II: Dietetics and Herbology
A 48 hour course on the use of Chinese Dietary principles and Herbal patent Formulas based on the refined skills of Chinese Energetic Diagnostic tools acquired in Level 1.
To enable the student to consolidate the knowledge of the diagnostic techniques, to understand the energy of foods and herbs, and to enable the student to formulate dietary, herbal and lifestyle advice for their clients. (read more...) UP
Mind Body Acupressure Level I
Course Objectives:
The purpose of this introductory course is to cover the theory and practice of acupressure in general and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians in particular. The application of strategic points on the body’s balance and harmony. By the end of the course, students will be able to choose an appropriate extraordinary meridian to use in treatment of a client. This course will also address the underlying emotional causes of illness. IT will also start to solidify some of the diagnostic techniques used in Chinese Energetic Medicine. (read more...) UP
Mind Body Acupressure Level II
Course Objectives:
This course will cover the 12 organ meridians (pathways, point location, therapeutic use of acupoints) and various types of acupressure treatments: five elements, antique points, tendino-muscular, body armouring, mental-emotional and more. By the end of the course, the students will be able to choose powerful point combinations and prescriptions to treat a wide range of disharmonies and be able to use moxabustion effectively. Students will also be refining the myriad components that will make the art of acupressure their own. (read more..) UP
La réflexologie
La réflexologie est très efficace pour réduire le stress en plaçant le client dans un état connu sous le nom de « mode parasympathique » du système nerveux. Cet état facilite la capacité du corps à rééquilibrer son potentiel d'auto-guérison. La régulation de l'influx nerveux et le soulagement des blocages permettent aux systèmes de l'organisme de maintenir un équilibre interne de « l’homéostasie ».
Qu'est-ce que la réflexologie?
La réflexologie est un art de guérir naturel basé sur le principe qu’ils sont des réflexes dans les pieds, les mains et les oreilles, qui correspondent à chaque partie, glande et organe du corps. Par application de pression sur ces réflexes, la réflexologie soulage la tension, améliore la circulation, et contribue à promouvoir la fonction naturelle des zones connexes du corps.
Total course hours are 186.5 hours with 35 being in-class training hours in a format selected by the Teacher. To receive RAC certification you must take the full Reflexology training course from a RAC Certified Teacher. You must also perform a practicum of 60 sessions and a minimum of 6 case-studies with a minimum of 3 sessions each (actual practice hours for this category are 120 hrs), complete 25 workbook hours of a home-study program, write a two-hour
written exam within 3 months of the last day of the course. Then complete a 1.5-hour practical exam within 1 year from the last day of the class. There will also be a mandatory review of 3 hours total before you take the practical exam. (read more) UP
Welcome to the world of NLP, Neurolinguistic Programming, the systematic study of human performance. NLP is a subjective experience; the structure can be broken into individual components, and/or changed, modified, improved, or removed. It’s a fluid framework that transforms at much deeper levels, faster than we ever imagined.
In the 1970’s, distinguished names such as David Gordon, Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Steve and Connirae Andreas, Robert Dilts, Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed NLP methods, which are part of a continuum that continues to evolve. A practical application of how people think, NLP is based on the work of Alfred Korzybski, Virginia
Satir, Milton Erickson, Fritz Pearls and Gregory Bateson, among others. NLP provides therapists an opportunity to initiate change in the lives of their clients. Neurolinguistic Programming analyzes and transfers human excellence, which results in the most valuable, helpful and practical psychology practiced. (Dr. Steve G. Jones)
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